
Emma is eine führende Matratzenmarke in Deutschland. Im Oktober 2019 wurde die Matratze Emma One neuer Testsieger von Stiftung Warentest und mit der Gesamtnote 1,7 (gut) bewertet (getestet in hart, 90x200 cm).


Attributionszeitraum (Cookielaufzeit)

30 Tage


Emma CH Partnerprogramm

Emma Mattresses is one of the top 3 bed-in-a-box providers in Europe. The internationally operating direct-to-consumer company was founded at the end of 2015 by Manuel Müller and Dr. Dennis Schmoltzi founded. As a young start-up company, Emma has set itself the goal of developing a mattress that suits everyone. In the 2019 financial year, Emma – The Sleep Company (Bettzeit GmbH) had sales of EUR 150 million and expects sales of over EUR 240 million for 2020. More than a million Emma mattresses have now been sold. Almost five years after it was founded, the mattress is available online in 22 countries and in stationary stores from numerous European cooperation partners.  

By using the best materials, selected manufacturing partners and competent employees, Emma stands for continuous quality. 
Mainly by collaborating with sleep experts, researching the latest materials and constant quality controls, Emma offers products that meet customers' needs. The quality standard has already received numerous awards. 
In Germany, the Emma One mattress achieved the top mark of 1.7 "good" in a test by Stiftung Warentest in October 2019.  

program details 

- CPA from 3% - 10%  

- Code promo : 3 %  

- Cashback : 3 %  

- Standard : 5 % 

- Premium: 10 % 

- 30 Day Cookie Tracking Period 

- Above-average value of goods   

- Low Return Rate  

- 0% financing possible 

- Emma pays these commissions based on First Click Attribution


Coupon and discount codes

- All affiliates may only promote the codes they received directly from us through the network.  


Google Add PPCs

- No bids on branded terms or misspellings. This applies to both the brand term and URLs containing the brand term.

- It is not permitted to set a direct link to the Emma Mattresses website or to use a redirect to take the customer from a PPC ad directly to the Emma Mattresses website.

- We ask that you include the term "Emma" as a negative keyword in all campaigns to eliminate the risk of appearing on "Emma Mattress" branded terms.

- No typos allowed. Please note that we carefully monitor paid search for all competitive keywords and ask for your assistance in this process.


- Please contact Nhi Tran and Ana Rita Lopes if you would like more information about Emma's affiliate program